Summer consumption 2024: Payments increase by 9% in number and 5% in value
In order to understand the consumption habits in Portugal between July and August 2024, SIBS, in partnership with Turismo de Portugal, publishes the indicators of the activity recorded in the MULTIBANCO Network, particularly with regard to payments and withdrawals, in infographic format, in a clear and factual manner, and with comparisons with previous periods.
Based on data provided by SIBS Analytics, consumption in Portugal grew by 9% in number of transactions and 5% in value (withdrawals and purchases), compared to the same period last year. The average value of each transaction was €40, €2 less than the previous year.
When analysing the indicators by sector, SIBS Analytics reveals that the sectors that saw the biggest growth were Leisure (+20% in number and +1% in value of transactions) and Restaurants (+16% in number and +9% in value of transactions). It should also be noted that in the summer months, 1 in 7 purchases in Portugal were made with foreign cards.
Check out the infographic (PDF).
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