
SIBS Analytics is celebrating 5 years

Launched in May 2019, this business intelligence service allows companies and institutions to make business decisions based on customized reports and analyses, supported by real, aggregated and anonymized data processed by SIBS, namely by analyzing the evolution of consumption, providing market share by sector and geography and profiling the consumption of its customers.

To mark this milestone, SIBS has prepared an infographic showing the evolution of consumption in Portugal over the last five years, broken down by sector and geography, as well as an example of the consumption profile in Portugal of a Portuguese customer compared to a foreign customer.

The data from SIBS Analytics, between the beginning of 2019 and the end of 2023, shows an increase in the number of purchases made in Portugal (+108%), together with the growing weight of online purchases (11 p.p.). Looking at the top 5 sectors that contributed most to the growth of shopping in Portugal, the evolution of the “grocery, mini-markets and similar” and “food, beverages and tobacco” sectors stands out, with a variation of +167% and +78%, respectively. The municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão showed the greatest growth in the number of purchases, +108% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to 2019.

When analyzing the data related to the distribution of physical purchases by day of the week and by time period during the first quarter of 2024, it shows that Friday and Saturday are the days with the highest consumption compared to the other days of the week (around 16% each). The afternoon period, between 12 noon and 7.59pm, is the preferred time for consumers to make their physical purchases in Portugal (65.8% of purchases were made during this period).

Lastly, the most recent data from SIBS Analytics shows us an example of a consumer profile from Lisbon compared to a consumer from the United Kingdom. On average, during the first quarter of 2024, Lisbon residents spent €23 a day in hypermarkets and supermarkets, €17 in restaurants and €28 in petrol stations, the three sectors in which there is the highest consumption. On average, these consumers visited these sectors 6, 5 and 3 times a month, respectively.
Consumers from the United Kingdom, spent an average of €27 a day on restaurants, €24 on hypermarkets and supermarkets and €101 on accommodation, the three sectors identified as having the highest consumption for them. On average, 60% of Brits stayed between one and seven days in Portugal.

Other relevant indicators can be analyzed in the infographic and on the website www.sibsanalytics.com.